
Showing posts with label outsourcing SEO. Show all posts
Showing posts with label outsourcing SEO. Show all posts

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Why To Outsource SEO Content Marketing?

It is a common thing for SME’s to outsource their content marketing for SEO. They do so because they feel they have more to gain by hiring experts of content to write for their campaigns. For any company that is still debating on whether or not it should go in for outsourcing SEO content marketing, here are a few reasons why this is a good thing-

  • It helps save money- While many SME’s might think that outsourcing can cost more but this is a better deal than hiring a content expert on your pay roll. You also need to find the right professionals to hire who are not present in abundant numbers. With outsourcing you can have better budget management and get quality content written when you need it the most.
  • It can help save time- Using outsourcing you can hire competent and experienced content writers. This cuts out the time spent in training in house staff to write better content. This also shortens the time in which you get your content created
  • With the right expertise working for you, there is a better chance that you will get more high quality, engaging and informative content created be it a blog or an article. Also you get an outside perspective which can prove great for your business needs.
  • If you outsource it gives you time to work on other aspects and lets the professionals perform all the content writing duties. There is a lot that goes into content writing and this is what professionals are good at. So instead of putting work behind this you can outsource and work on other aspects of your campaigns
  • More high quality results- With outsourcing you get a competent and skilled content marketing team to work for you. These professionals are aware of all content writing guidelines and know what works best. Using their services you can get content that engages people better and even leads to better lead generation

There are a few more reasons to consider outsourcing your SEO content marketing

Saturday, January 7, 2017

6 Interesting Facts About Google Algorithm

Google uses certain algorithms which help us by providing us the search results from approx. trillions of web pages. Every outsource SEO company providing Small Business SEO Services or otherwise has chalked out the importance of algorithms. Some of the fun facts about Google algorithms are:
  1. The story behind Page rank: The Google’s technology of assigning ranks to pages is called as “PageRank”. However, most people do not know that it was named after Google co-founder Larry Page.
  2. Developed with a different intention: The Google’s algorithms were initially developed to filter the spammy content from the advertisers. However, with time the algorithms were implied for better search experience.
  3. Ever changing: The people using Google algorithm also do not know that the algorithms are changed around 500-600 times a year, which means on an average 1.5 times a day. However, most of the changes are very minute that Google doesn’t disclose them to public.
  4. Smarter algorithms: Google algorithms are getting smarter with every update. The latest algorithm can predict the elements in a picture even their expressions like happy, sad, Joy etc.
  5. Google dance: Google dance is not actually a dance move popular at Google but it is the name given to changes in the ranks of the algorithm when they faced major changes every month. These changes, however, have become very minute now.
  6. The human touch: Apart from the developed algorithm, there are people known as evaluators who evaluate the quality of the search results. Every year Google hosts 40,000 of these evaluations to get an insight of the quality of the searches.
The common masses may be unaware of these facts but the companies providing SEO India services should know these facts and keep them in mind while drafting an SEO campaign.