
Showing posts with label wordpress website design company India. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wordpress website design company India. Show all posts

Friday, January 6, 2023

Basic Considerations To Follow While Choosing Color For The Website

The looks of a website rely on several factors or elements present in the website. Colors are critical in visual aid, and this is why web design company India professionals focus on them more to make a website attractive and appealing. This will ensure that the audience stays there for extended periods, and the chances of conversion stay on the higher side.


When professionals from a WordPress development company India are working on a website, they have to generate a color scheme that has to be followed throughout the website on all web pages. In-depth research is required for this, and the professionals have to research mainly the industry, the company type and the company logo as well. It has been noticed that WordPress developers for hire use primary base color for web pages, background colors, logo colors and menu colors. Then, secondary colors are used for accent colors and for all other areas. The decision mainly relies on the apt color combination that attracts the audience and makes them stay there for as long as possible.


The WordPress developers for hire have to ensure that the color of the website is relaxing and easier to visualise. At the same time, it should be attention-grabbing and make them stick to the website more and more.

The basic rules for choosing a website color scheme are –

  • Study and get to know the color wheel
  • Understand the color combinations
  • Have a better understanding of analogous colors side by side
  • Get a better understanding of compositor colors as opposite attracts
  • Then the understanding of triadic colors is also essential and they are evenly spaced
  • The color psychology is another crucial thing to consider
  • Visual hierarchy is one more thing to address while choosing the website color scheme
  • WordPress developers for hire focus on actionability and clickability
  • The responsive design or mobile friendliness is an essential factor to keep in mind
  • Professionals from web design company India should embrace neutral colors


The role of the professionals here would be to ensure that they collaborate well with clients and help them understand the concept of correlate selection and the importance of color schemes. Communication should never be missed, and they should convince clients that the proper color selection makes a better first impression and creates an emotional connection between the company and the audience.

Thursday, December 29, 2022

Three Website Designing Tips To Capture Maximum Leads

It's a very competitive environment out there on the Internet, and every business owner must be on his toes to stay in the competition. Any laziness or lag will leave you on the third or fourth page of the search engine results, where your business would be like no business at all. Your website has the most crucial role to play in this, and without a good quality web design India company, getting an efficient website built is not possible at all. We have come up with some essential tips in this post to boost your leads and sales via your website.

Get Your Website On The Google

After getting the website developed by a WordPress website development company India, the first step should be to get your website on Google ASAP. This way, you will enter the main competition, where potential customers would be there along with the competitors. Your task here would be to pull in more traffic and convert them into your clients.

Audit Your Site 

It is highly recommended that you fully know all the most valuable parts of your website. These parts are those where visitors click the most, and alongside this, you also need to have an idea of the weaker areas. You can hire WordPress developers to get the necessary modifications done to the website to make more fragile parts stronger as others to attract more visitors.

Contact Number In The Website Header

An essential tip given by web design India professionals is that you should always include your contact number in the website header. You should consist of all primary call-to-action points such as the ‘enquiry form’, ‘get in touch’ form, and ‘request a quote’ form strategically at different places on the website. The choices would indeed differ based on the business type, but none of them should be missed, and alongside this, it is essential to build an attractive website header that has your phone number in the top right corner.

Monday, July 11, 2022

Two Stunning Reasons Why Wordpress Remains The Most Preferred

For every business that has just landed on the Internet, the list is not very easy. There is a  severe competition and to leverage it, the first thing needed is the website followed by presence on all major social media platforms. The website is needed first up and for the simplest way to create a website, wordpress is the best platform only if a top rated wordpress website development company India is working by your side. People may raise a question that when there are so many other platforms available, why there is so much of hype present regarding wordpress. Here in this blog post, we will try and find the answer to this question and understand why this CMS remained the top choice of web designers and developers.
Wordpress website development company India

Flexible, Open-Source, & Free

The top feature of this platform is that it is an open source platform with unmatched flexibility and of course, it is available totally free of cost. These three points have played a huge role in making this platform more and more powerful and popular. In other words, you don’t have to give even a single penny to download it, create an account there and start using it. Yes, the only point is that there are some limitations in this free version, but it is enough to create a basic website for commercial and personal use.


Yes, this is another feature that has contributed a lot to the popularity of this CMS or platform. The ease of usage can be determined by the fact that even WooCommerce development India professionals who have just entered this profession can use it without any complication. The fact is that even the users with no coding experience at all can successfully create a basic website for personal use. To make this website more functional and infuse more features, there is the option of seeking services from professionals from WordPress website development company India. WordPress allows tech as well as non-tech people to manage and customize their settings.

Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Pros That Wordpress Platform Comes With

 More than 40 percent of the total websites on the Internet are powered by WordPress and this data makes this platform the most familiar one among the Internet users. It is also very easy and highly versatile platform that allows anyone to create a basic website for personal use. But yes, one thing that you need to know about it is that it has the complex part as well and to use it during website creation, there will be a requirement of a WordPress website design company India. Using this platform comes with so many advantages or pros and we have covered the top ones here in this write-up.

What Is Wordpress?

The simplest definition is that it is an open source platform that anyone can download, install and use. To create a website and to release it on the Internet, the basic requirement would be of purchasing the domain name and seeking services from a hosting service provider. As you do this, website design company India experts say that you will get the following benefits.

Pros Of Using Wordpress

It’s A Low-Cost Solution 

The design, development and maintenance, everything is very easy on the pocket and if you are equipped with some technical knowledge, you can do all this on your own. In other words, just for creating bigger and more complex websites and for managing them, you will require the services of a WordPress website design company India. Otherwise, you are self-sufficient to do designing, development and maintenance on your own.

Easy To Update

According to website design company India experts, the updating process is fairly easy on this platform and this is another reason why it has managed to gain this much of popularity. Once set up, it’s easy to update and add new content and this is what makes this platform such a huge hit among non-technical background users. 

Then, the fact that it’s a trusted name in the industry has also helped a lot in making this platform incredibly popular. It has been in the industry for almost 2 decades now and WordPress word is now synonymous with the thought of website creation.

Friday, May 27, 2022

Understand HTTP to Speed up Your Website

A slow Internet connection is nothing short of a curse and adding to the woes is a slow loading website. Often people facing the situation of slow Internet connection give it the blame of making the website slow while forgetting the fact that there could be other reasons as well.

Irrespective of what the reasons are, the solution is very simple, given by the experts of web design company India. The solution is, "making fewer HTTP requests". For those who are unaware of this, we have come up with a post where we have discussed this in details, starting from what is HTTP.

Understanding Http

HTTP is the short form of HYPER TEXT TRANSFER PROTOCOL and it can be described as a pre-described order that transfers data and information across the network. You will be amazed to know if you are unaware of what HTTP is that the majority of the data on the Internet travels by using the HYPER TEXT TRANSFER PROTOCOL. According to Wordpress website design company India experts, there are two types of HTTP messages and the names are – requests and response. Let us get a brief overview of both of them, beginning with HTTP REQUESTS.

Http Requests

While using the Internet, your browser generates a request on every click on the website that you are browsing and that request is sent to the server of that website. According to web design company India experts, this click on a particular content means you are asking or requesting for more information regarding the content that you clicked. 

Http Response

Totally opposite to REQUESTS, RESPONSE is what you do when a user clicks on the content on your website and sends a request, asking for more info.

With this much of detail, you can assume HTTP as a universal language that includes requesting and responding.

The Impact Of Http Requests On Ux

Yes, this is a fact that HTTP and UX or user-experience are interconnected and you will agree once you go through the following facts.

  • The bounce rate jumps from 9% to 38%, if the load time increases from 2 to 5 seconds

  • The average HTTP request time is between 0.5 and 1-2 seconds

  • User-experience decreases exponentially with an increase in request time

Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Reasons Why You Should Hire Wordpress Developers India

WordPress is simple to use despite the fact that it has some of the top power-packed features to help in so many things including website development as well. These features have made this platform hugely popular and so much that almost 39 percent of the world’s total websites are presently powered by this platform. 

To create a website that can increase sales and visibility on the Internet, you will have to hire Wordpress developers India. Once you take this decision, you will get to enjoy a whole plethora of benefits and out of them; some have been discussed here in this post.


Website creation might be easier using this platform, but for highly advanced websites, their management might become a tough thing. This is where a WordPress website development company India can be very useful because they will deliver ongoing website maintenance service, development solutions, upgrades, expansions and support tailored to your specific business requirements.


Another reason why services of these professionals are important is that they will help you in determining the right tactics for your business website. When you hire WordPress developers India, they will deliver recommendations and analyses for your site repairs, installations and updates. Apart from this, the professionals WordPress website development company India will also help in custom WordPress plug-in development because this can be really disastrous if done through DIY. 


These WordPress developers will also help you by producing pixel-perfect, user-friendly and fast-loading WordPress themes while keeping the PSD design in mind. Not just this, these professionals will also assist in developing safe, scalable and fast-loading enterprise apps.

One thing is guaranteed that with these professionals, you will be able to scale your website in a faster manner and ensures that it is delivering results as per your expectations. They will make it very simple to add new material, photos, links, pages and other data to make this platform, the top choice for businesses across the globe.