
Showing posts with label digital marketing agency India. Show all posts
Showing posts with label digital marketing agency India. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Why Planning SEO Is Crucial Before Designing Your Website?

Today ecommerce industry is ruling the economic growth and SEO helps to reach your potential audience. When you are starting up with designing your website or may be redesigning your website think about the search engine optimization, it better to hire SEO expert for the same. SEO friendly website performs much better than the regular website.

Check out why planning SEO is important:

  • Product: You need to understand if your team can provide you with search engine optimized content for your products and services, you need to plan your content before designing
  • Interaction: In order to stand out in competition you need to analyze what extra feature you can add to draw more customers and how to place the CTA on your website.
  • Marketing: Your website should easily anticipate your product or service and this should reflect on your website design, plan how you can use the information of your product.
  • Team: Your product team needs to works along with your web designing team infusing their skills along with product capacity, for implementing the SEO.
  • Work: If you implement SEO & CRO, chances are there to leverage your product, because SEO enhances the conversions too.

SEO and website designs are completely different aspects, but when we say SEO friendly website we mean the optimization of site maps, title tags, URL etc. So, before you plan to design or redesign your website consult the digital marketing agency India, they have years of experience in creating a SEO friendly website.

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

7 Local SEO Tips For Local Businesses

Local SEO is as important as general SEO is, so avoiding it can really cause you big sum. Local SEO is more difficult to understand but is defiantly very beneficial for your business. So here we are sharing some of the local SEO tips so that you can get more out of this digital marketing technique.

  1. Research the keywords – It has been told every time that if you want to get most out of SEO, then know what people are looking for. Keyword plays a big role in getting a good rank on search engine result page, so do a keyword research properly to get the good result.
  2. Build landing Pages – Build landing pages according to the searched phrases using URL, Meta Title, Meta description, H1 Tag, Body content. It will help for the boost!
  3. Local citations – Google tracker tracks your site's location, which is a good thing, help it to do that by creating directories using White Spark, Moz or YEXT!
  4. Do-follow –Every site has “no follow” outbound links in their directories, you don’t do this. You do exactly opposite of this and get “follow” outbound links for your space. It will help you have a connection with any local listing for the same thing you are working on!
  5. Social media – Create and spread your content using social media to your locals!
  6. Get reviews – Get good reviews on your products as Google also read the reviews and it can help you to get a good rank.
  7. Measure Traffic– More traffic gives assurance about your local SEO campaign is doing great. Measure it record your success. 

To get an in-depth knowledge of 7 Local SEO Tips for Local Businesses it is suggested to learn from experts. If you are staying in Delhi NCR region, you may join a good digital marketing agency India for Small Business SEO Company.

Monday, July 25, 2016

2016 Trends For Social Media Marketing And SEO

Any business no matter how big or small, today has some kind of digital marketing strategy in place. This in fact is very essential because with such widespread use of the internet today, without advertising on this platform no business can actually grow.

Some of the top online marketing practices that companies use nowadays include search engine optimization, social media marketing and Pay per Click. Each of these techniques have their own set of benefits for a business. When looking to market a brand effectively online, businesses usually hire professional companies. A competent digital marketing agency India has the necessary resources to provide good results for any kind of online marketing efforts.

When using SMO or SEO to market a brand another important thing is to be in step with the latest- trends that have come up. With the online world ever changing only a business that uses an innovative approach stands a chance to taste success. Some recent trends for social media marketing and organic optimization this year include-

  • Mobile optimization cannot be avoided now- Last year mobile searches generated more traffic as compared to desktop or even laptop searches. With almost everyone today using smart phones advertising according to this platform is a must now
  • Voice search has also become important and thus optimizations should be done with these in mind. Voice searches more often than not include long tail keywords
  • Relevant and high quality social media posts can help a business rank higher- Marketers has started using social media now as a tool to rank higher and gain more visibility on search engines. A business today should never forget to add social media buttons on its website and also look to efficiently management social profiles on top websites like Facebook and Twitter. Long form content is usually encouraged buy Facebook.
  • Local SEO cannot be left out- Instead of going global one should first gain success locally. Search engines now want to present the most relevant results to users according to their locations. So, local SEO is a must
  • Optimization for mobile apps is crucial- with more and more people using mobile apps advertising here has great benefits
  • Videos and images are still dominating and should be optimized accordingly
  • Content that is more relevant and in step with the recent times is gaining popularity
  • There is a new on -page SEO now- On page optimizations have moved on from content optimization, internal linking and makes changes to site structure, now it also comprises of click-through rates, engagement, social signals and rich content

No matter if you have the best SEO services India working for you, without a proper approach according to the latest trends, success becomes hard to come by. Thus, always be updated and know where you can utilize an out of box approach.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Why Outsourcing SEO Is A Good Option?

The growing competition in the world today has forced companies to go all out to better promote and market themselves online. Especially when it comes to organic optimisations the race for the top ranks has become fiercer.
Outsourcing search engine optimisation has become a common practice today, as companies know how useful it is to get professionals to work on online promotions. If you too are contemplating whether or not to hire a SEO outsourcing services company than some reasons to show that it is in fact a good option to consider are-
  • SEO needs expertise, period- On page, off page optimisations, site structure and URL, these are just some of the things that are a part of this method and not everyone know what they are. The professionals of a digital marketing agency India are experts who are aware of everything about organic optimisations and thus can perform it effectively.
  • Your time is too precious to spend on training in house staff- Every company no matter what the industry or size has its fair share of projects to handle, then why invest you precious time and even that of your employees to gain knowledge about search engine optimisation when you can just hire professional companies easily. This allows you to focus on your own line of work freely.
  • Cost -effective- Outsourcing such services has proved to be a more cost-effective way than performing it in house. This is because you always get a better ROI when professionals are working on your campaigns
  • Everything related to optimizations is taken care of- Whether it is creating content, link building got anything else, when you outsource to a company all this is efficiently taken care of by their professionals
  • You get the latest solutions that are more likely to produce results and also time is dedicated to constantly monitor and update your online marketing campaigns. 
These are just some of the top benefits of outsourcing organic optimisations services. But whether you are going in for this or still prefer DIY is a decision for you to make.