
Monday, January 23, 2017

Mobile SEO: An Effective Technique To Achieve Marketing Goals By Attracting Mobile Users

According to a survey conducted online, 44% of the web search is done through a mobile device. Hence to hire dedicated SEO expert for the mobile devices is the need of the hour. Every business house has recognized the importance of mobile SEO and they are hiring Mobile SEO expert to stay in the race. Some of the factors which make mobile SEO an important field for every business online is:
  • Quantity of web search: As discussed earlier, a majority of online search is happening through mobile devices and hence any website that wants to be in the race of top rank in the search result has to optimize according to mobile devices.
  • Business on the Go: Mobile devices have opened the gate for business on the go. The business is now not limited to the time a person spends in front of his desktop.
Also, a business must optimize its web pages according to mobile devices. Some of the techniques for effective mobile SEO are:
  • Avoid use of platforms which are not common to all mobile devices like flash.
  • Use a good size of the text which can be read without zoom
  • Use of images and graphics.
  • Optimize the page size to fit the mobile screens.
It has been observed that the brands that did not optimize their website according to mobile devices have seen a fall of 2-3 % and this figure will only increase. The brands which are not experienced in mobile SEO can outsource SEO now to increase their visibility in web search done on the mobile devices. Hence, whether you do it yourself or outsource it, mobile SEO is one thing which you cannot avoid.

Friday, January 20, 2017

7 Ways To Make Your SEO Cost Effective

The cost of SEO campaign is very often a big challenge for the firms, especially for small to mid-size companies. The SEO campaign is effectively only when the return on investment is good and to improve the ROI, a cost-effective campaign is a must. Some of the ways suggested by SEO experts by which a brand can reduce the cost of SEO are:
  1. Use social media: Social media platforms are usually free and you can make use of these platforms to post and optimize your content.
  2. Repurpose the content: Just posting content may not give you the required result until you repurpose it by adding videos, tutorial, graphs and other graphics.
  3. Be mobile friendly: Since more and more people are using mobile devices to browse the internet, your website and every web page must be mobile friendly.
  4. Linking: Try to link to more and more pages from your homepage since most of the visitors are likely to visit your homepage only.
  5. Outsourcing: Outsourcing your SEO or hiring a contract team to manage your SEO is many times cheaper than hiring a full-time SEO expert.
  6. Try automating: Try to activate the automated on-site SEO tracking. This software will notify you in case any of your on-page factors is down.
  7. Domain authority: Domain authority determines the rank of your website on any search engine. Hence, it is always better to inverts on building good domain authority.
Also, you can hire SEO expert or consult an outsource SEO company which will draft a dedicated SEO campaign for you. And as already discussed above, outsourcing most of the times cheaper as compared to hiring a full-time SEO expert.

Thursday, January 19, 2017

You Might Be Weakening Your Own SEO Efforts, Let’s See How

None of the business available online is unaware of the wonders SEO can do. Several brands take help by engaging in affordable small business SEO service to get best search engine optimization. Every brand wants a better SEO campaign. However, sometimes the brands undermine their own SEO efforts and some of the ways in which they do it are:

  1. Using old SEO techniques: SEO is one field in which the techniques keep changing from time to tome and thus every brand should use the latest techniques of SEO. Backlink counts and too much keyword stuffing is a thing of the past and Google has shifted to a better algorithm to determine a website’s rank.
  2. Inappropriate content: Content is the force which keeps the audience glued to any website. If the audiences feel that the content posted on the website is inappropriate or irrelevant, they will not hesitate in trying a new website no matter how creative your content may be.
  3. Not measuring tangible metrics: A website measures its metrics to get a better insight of the areas in which it can improve. However, most of the websites make a mistake of ignoring metrics like traffic performance, conversion rate optimization etc. These factors can provide a better insight than the metrics such as page rank, domain authority etc.
  4. Not giving priority to audience: Every business must realize that it must build every strategy keeping in mind the audience.  The same should be followed while making SEO strategies. According to experts, 30 percent of the efforts should be dedicated to understanding the audience needs.
These mistakes should be avoided by any website and brand which desires better SEO results. If a brand cannot effectively manage its SEO then it can hire some external affordable ecommerce SEO services company to manage its SEO and get the best result out of it.

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Social Media Reviews: One Which Platform You Need To Focus- Yelp, Google, Or Facebook

Product review and feedback are the chief components for improvising, addressing audience queries and as a fact immensely helps to build the SEO strategies. The best SEO services India implement the best corrective approach based on feedback and review to add leverage to your website. Check out which platform to focus on for Reviews -Yelp, Google, or Facebook
  1. Yelp: Yelps refrains from publishing reviews, they believe when business ask and publish review its kind of biased as they do not publish the negative review from their unsatisfied customer. This situation is not apt for small business as they need to penetrate the market.
  2. Google: Anyone can review on Google be using the company’s requested link or themselves on search engines. Google don’t stipulate on fake review and allows the users to upload images of the company along with their review, moreover, Google reviews are linked to search engine best for a rank purpose.
  3. Facebook: Facebook is one of the most consulted forums for reviews by users and also allows random fake reviews. This platform includes reviews from Google and many people comments without review request. The best place to focus on brand build and mass interaction.
When it comes to social platform, your brand reputation also matters, for effective SEO strategies get in touch with dedicated SEO India expert. Implementing SEO strategies is quite a complex situation as it caters to many adverse situations, experimenting on such grounds can ruin a brand reputation.

Thursday, January 12, 2017

How To Optimize Customer Reviews For Better SEO?

Customers nowadays have become a lot more aware of the business sense. According to a survey, around 90 % of the customers read reviews about the products before making a purchase. The agencies which deal with SEO outsourcing providing dedicated SEO expert services have become aware of this fact. Some of the ways suggested by these agencies to use customer reviews for a better SEO are:
  1. Ask for star ratings: Do not forget to ask the customers about their experience with the help of star ratings. Their ratings are the first thing which is visible on Goggle.
  2. Research the reviews to get keywords: As reviews are written by none other than the customer himself, you can get an idea of the keywords that are famous amongst the customers and can use them effectively to generate traffic.
  3. Review help in getting high ranking: Google considers the high rated website. These rating of the website are nothing but the average of customer star rating and reviews about the product on your website.
  4. Improve the social interaction: You can always use good reviews about your product and post them on social media platforms. It will help to make your products famous and in turn, will increase online traffic and sales.
  5. Use a third-party review website: Google is focused on the reviews which it receives through third party review sites as these reviews are unbiased. SO get in touch with a third party review website and enlist your products there.
Also, if you are unable to optimize your reviews for better results, it is always suggested to hire SEO services. These experts draft a dedicated SEO campaign that will optimize the customer’s reviews in the best possible ways

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

How Online PR Is Beneficial In SEO Campaigns

Time is changing, previously traditional public relation was very important aspect to uplift the brand and business scenarios, but today it’s ruling the online market too. The SEO expert has noticed a huge difference in results with online PR service while designing SEO campaigns. All you need is a professional guidance is ruling this competitive market. You may also get the services of an SEO outsource company who provide ethical Small Business SEO Services.

How online PR in SEO campaigns can help in business?
  1. Visibility: Implementing SEO is a crucial task and of course if you are following the campaigns your target audience is streamlined, here online PR helps escalates your business visibility on various channels and diversified audience through stories, press release etc.
  2. Reputation: Many a time when you fail to deliver expected service, customer do write negative comments or reviews on your website, which only the online public relations can counteract with apologies or explanation, for instance, thanking the customers to raise the issue.
  3. Branding: Online public relations help your company to bring beneficial company insights to your customers be it a range of products offered or introduction of a new product. PR language often acts as a voice to your product and service; hence it helps in brand recognition.
The best way to escalate business is to let people talk about you; hence outsourcing SEO seems a brilliant idea. This will help you to build an online reputation on social media platform, as you can see both SEO and PR are the intrinsic tools to maximize exposure, the game is about using it idiosyncratically to trigger the online presence.  

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

5 Local SEO Myths Every Digital Marketer Should Be Aware Of

In SEO change is constant and certain changes are reflected as myths, so before you believe in such myths and change your proven SEO strategy hire SEO services India company in order to implement the best practice. 

Here are few false local SEO myths people should stop believing:

  • Myth 1. If I delete my listing from Google My Business, my business listing is automatically removed from Google, the fact is if you do so it will show as unverified.
  • Myth 2. Calls regarding verification of your business followed by the threat of automatic elimination unless claimed are true, as a fact it is a sales call.
  • Myth 3. On Google if you list yourself or your business under professional or practitioner listings, it can be considered as duplicate and removed, the fact is unless you qualify for that listing you are removed
  • Myth 4. Posting on Google plus actually helps to increase your chance on the search engine result page, but the fact is if people search by business name then only your post is visible to them.
  • Myth 5. Getting access to other cities by setting the states name on Google Business related to the service area, as fact, only your address will be anticipated by the customers.

Besides, these are not textual myths that you can’t test but when it comes to search engine optimization you can always test the SEO myths and edit your SEO strategies according to your results. If you want to implement the best SEO practices you should consult a reputable small business SEO services company for the same

Monday, January 9, 2017

Read How Images Can Help In Search Engine Optimization Of Website?

It is known fact that visuals or images have greater impact on the human brain. Then why not use images to increase traffic on the website.  This fact recognized by many online marketing companies which are providing SEO services and now they are using images to improve SEO ranking of a website. Do you want to know about it? Then read how images can help in SEO ranking before you hire SEO services India:

  • The giant search engines such as Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc. can easily read the file name and produce the result page accordingly.
  • Ensure the keyword utilization on the image as the ‘Alt Tags’ and ‘Title Tags’ helps the search engine to analyze the content.
  • The image rubric is the most read words, it should be content relevant as it creates a major impact on grabbing attention.
  • Use proper SEO tools to analyze the file name, size, and alt text, so that you can review the image SEO problems.
  • Image site Maps, markups, open graph code and schema are the advanced SEO approach in order to improvise the image contents and also revise the file type for quality purpose.

Since the competition is high in the market you need professional help to update SEO friend images for best results. It’s better to hire SEO expert India company, as they know popular trend-setting approach and also suits every business budget. Try out this trending SEO approach to enhance your website traffic.

Saturday, January 7, 2017

6 Interesting Facts About Google Algorithm

Google uses certain algorithms which help us by providing us the search results from approx. trillions of web pages. Every outsource SEO company providing Small Business SEO Services or otherwise has chalked out the importance of algorithms. Some of the fun facts about Google algorithms are:
  1. The story behind Page rank: The Google’s technology of assigning ranks to pages is called as “PageRank”. However, most people do not know that it was named after Google co-founder Larry Page.
  2. Developed with a different intention: The Google’s algorithms were initially developed to filter the spammy content from the advertisers. However, with time the algorithms were implied for better search experience.
  3. Ever changing: The people using Google algorithm also do not know that the algorithms are changed around 500-600 times a year, which means on an average 1.5 times a day. However, most of the changes are very minute that Google doesn’t disclose them to public.
  4. Smarter algorithms: Google algorithms are getting smarter with every update. The latest algorithm can predict the elements in a picture even their expressions like happy, sad, Joy etc.
  5. Google dance: Google dance is not actually a dance move popular at Google but it is the name given to changes in the ranks of the algorithm when they faced major changes every month. These changes, however, have become very minute now.
  6. The human touch: Apart from the developed algorithm, there are people known as evaluators who evaluate the quality of the search results. Every year Google hosts 40,000 of these evaluations to get an insight of the quality of the searches.
The common masses may be unaware of these facts but the companies providing SEO India services should know these facts and keep them in mind while drafting an SEO campaign.

Thursday, January 5, 2017

5 Tips To Recover From A Growth Setback In Ecommerce Business

Unfortunately, your business did hit the iceberg but nothing major to worry about as these petty challenges are part of it; in this globalized market, there are options to re-sail your business simply by consulting the best ecommerce SEO company that not only resolve the issues but also helps in generating traffic.

The market is full of challenges and competition so here are few ways to recover your growth setback with the help of ecommerce SEO techniques:
  1. Identification: Since your business growth was normal you might have added or fired something which resulted in a setback, so identify your mistakes; run an audit
  2. Stop: Once you have the results and the mistake lists, immediately stop the features you added and if removed restore the same without delay.
  3. Analyze: Now it’s time to analyze the changes, if you find the situation did not reflect on your growth chart, you should take professional guidance.
  4. Monitor: Always monitor the traffic generation and conversion rates, this will help you to understand strategy loops and improve the same on basis of report
  5. Interaction: Interaction with customer is must, here you can address and resolve your customer query and also build your strategies adhering to their expectations 
In business, everyone does endure to risks but the challenge lies in identifying the issues and resolving it. The e-commerce website design Noida offers professional guidance to resolve the complex growth setbacks faced in your business and allows the business to regain its growth.