
Friday, April 22, 2016

What to Use PPC or SEO When It Comes to Promoting Ecommerce Websites Online

Who today does not know what ecommerce websites are? These sites have become almost an integral part in the life of millennials. With the growing popularity of such websites the competition online has also more vigorous amongst e-store owners.  Online marketing practices are thus being widely adopted to stay on top and gain as many website visitors as possible.

When it comes to promoting an e-store online the two most useful practices are PPC and SEO.  Though most people know what these practices comprise of the main question which everyone is asking is, which is better to use when it comes to an ecommerce website. Following are some points that can help you decide-

  • The keyword dilemma- Both paid and organic advertising involve the use of keywords. In search engine optimizations they are used for targeting on a broader scale whereas paid ads target a certain number of key terms.
  • Ecommerce SEO can take time to yield results on the other hand paid ads are more instantaneous. Also, PPC is not affected as much as search engine optimization due to algorithm changes of search engines.
  • Search engine optimization provides a better ROI, especially when SERP rankings improve. An SEO expert may help you in this matter.
  • Pay per click needs research and bidding on keywords and efficient budget management which should be handled by an expert, as otherwise it could lead to campaigns failing and losses on investment. SEO on the other hand is less riskier. You may hire PPC expert India who is competent enough to manage campaigns.
  • Consumers who do not possess much knowledge of online marketing practices often are more likely to  click on organic results as opposed to sponsored links

In the light of these points it is clear that PPC and SEO put together is a more powerful tool as compared to using them separately. People may think that these techniques are way apart but in fact these are just two sides of the same coin. Thus, next time you want to market your E-store online go in for paid as well as organic promotions for a better chance at success. 

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Some Useful Tips for Small Business SEO

Search engine optimization is no longer a method of promotions for just big players; it has become a highly beneficial and useful practice for smaller businesses as well.

Whether you are starting a business or looking to increase the popularity of a present one, higher ranks on search results can really prove to be a great way to attract more people.

Here are a few tips to keep in mind when going in for small business SEO Company-

  • Target relevant keywords-For a local company targeting the right keywords is important because it has a relatively small market and also budget. One way to do so is by using long tail keywords which contain more than one word and thus are more specific. By using  such keywords not only can you target your niche market more effectively but you also don’t have to  invest in other broad meaning key terms
  • Optimize your website properly- Search engine optimization is not just about gaining website traffic but it proves fruitful only when you can generate leads. Thus, working on your website is also important, your webpages should provide ease of navigation, easy search options and give an overall user friendly experience, unique and engaging content also proves to be very useful. By optimizing your site according to such standards you can increase your chances of getting more customers.
  • Social Media- Well all know how popular social media websites are today, by properly managing your profiles and posting engaging content on such sites you can attract more local people.
  • Get listed on leading local online directories
  • Try and gain customer reviews and feed backs for your site

A competent online marketingcompany India can help provide some of the most effective solutions when it comes to SEO for small companies. With such SEO in place not only can a small business build a good market for itself locally but when time comes even stand toe to toe with bigger firms. Brandconn Digital is a reputable firm that has helped hundreds of businesses attain their online goals.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Why Should You Outsource SEO?

Making use of search engine optimization is a given for any company that is looking to establish a strong presence for itself online.  Though this method is such a strong tool in any company’s online marketing arsenal, the main dilemma that businesses face today is whether to outsource SEO or perform it in house.
While utilizing company professionals to manage search engine optimization efforts often seems to be a good option, but with so much already on its plate businesses today find it better to hire SEO expert from online marketing agencies.

Some other reasons why one can choose to outsource online marketing services, include-

  • SEO is changing almost regularly- Leading online search engines today are regularly updating themselves and their algorithms. This makes it difficult to keep up with all the changes, unless you are an online marketing expert whose jobs entails that he/she keeps up with all the latest happenings.
  • High quality content- Search engine optimization is largely dependent on high quality and rich content. Though many may think creating content is an easy task but on the contrary it requires a lot of skill and expertise along with a proper understanding on online marketing standards (which is something only professionals of online marketing agencies know)
  • Such online advertising requires dedicated efforts- Online marketing needs constant optimization and updation, which is only effective at the hands of seasoned professionals who hold the necessary skill and knowledge.
  • Results- Hiring a competent outsourceSEO company can be your best bet when looking to gain good ranks for your business, because such companies have the experience and expertise that is needed to get results.

Monday, April 11, 2016

Professional ecommerce Marketing Services for Increasing Sales

E-commerce websites are very popular today. This is mainly because these sites have provided people with an easy and convenient way to buy their favourite products all from the comfort of their homes.
E-store owners have also greatly benefited from such fame of these websites and have been able to gain numerous customers. But now as more and more e-stores are coming up online, many sites have taken a hit and seen reduced sales and visitors.
If you too own an e-store that recently has not been able to provide the desired results, then one of the best ways to get it back on track is to apply SEO.  SEO for ecommerce websites is a way through which an e-store can gain higher ranks on search results of leading online search engines. With a good rank a website stands a better chance to get more visitors and effectively increase its sales. Some of the other benefits of this type of SEO are-
  • It helps target relevant people
  • It has long term effects
  • Improves brand image and credibility
  • Provides better ROI
  • Helps in designing more user friendly and attractive sites
Brandconn Digital is a renowned company that specialises in ecommerce marketing services. This company assists e-store owners in transforming the way they do business online and in doing so helps their website perform better and generate more sales. The company follows a systematic approach and its professionals are well versed with different ecommerce platforms.

Through comprehensive ecommerce SEO services, Brandconn Digital aims at providing retailers and merchants with a way to gain the most benefits from their ecommerce websites. Thus, if you too are in need of effective and reliable service you may outsource SEO services for your ecom store to the company to reap maximum benefits for your business.

Monday, April 4, 2016

Why to Outsource SEO?

In the present times where competition is at an all-time high, SEO if done correctly can prove to be your best friend.

But what you need to perform search engine optimization in the most successful way is complete knowledge of how this technique should be applied. Sounds tedious, doesn't it?

Well no need to worry rather that spending time and energy in learning about Search Engine Optimization techniques. You can just outsource SEO to a renowned and competent digital marketing company. You can also choose the services if you are looking for small business SEO service. When you do this, you not only stand a chance to gain a good rank for yourself on the results of top online search engines but gain various other benefits as well. The top reasons to go for outsourcing these services are-

  • The complexity factor- Search engine optimization process involves on page and off page optimizations which are not as easy as they sound. These techniques require a lot of efforts and expertise. The professionals of SEO companies know all about how to perform such optimizations and thus have no trouble giving results. Thus, rather than entangling yourself in the complexity of understanding and performing the activities, why not let the experts handle it. 
  • The right tools - There are numerous tools available today, but an expert of a competent online marketing company will know which ones are truly useful. Through using the right tools such specialist provide the best results. 
  • Diligent work- With leading online search engines frequently updating their algorithms, one always needs to update the proficiency, online marketing professionals keep themselves in step with changes and thus are constantly working to provide the latest solutions 
  • Results- This is the most important thing, as without ensured results why to even go for these services. Leading online marketing companies though their working and prowess ensure that you ultimately do achieve good ranking on search results.

So, why not try outsourcing SEO and just sit back and reap the benefits that this can garner for you and your business.

Thursday, March 31, 2016

The Impact of Google’s New Paid Ad Layout Changes on SEO

It has been more than a decade and a half since Google has launched the most frequently used search engine in the world. Over the years, many updates have come and the SERPs have changed a lot. All these changes and updates have put a hard task on every SEO expert and specialist to ransack their brains and come out with a workable formula that yields results on Google organic search results.

Recently, the search engine giant rolled out a new update for paid results as well following which no paid search ads will appear on the right hand side of search result pages. Paid search had been enjoying a great time with lesser focus on updates as compared to SEO. However, this is a huge change for PPC ad campaigns and a food for thought every PPC expert. Now for any company who is looking to hire PPC specialist for their campaign management, they also need to ensure their campaigns are in safe hands who are well aware with the latest developments and know how to emerge triumphant.

Well if we look deeper then we find the change is not only important for PPC campaigns but they are going to impact SEO in a great way. Let’s see how:

  • After the update, paid search ads are occupying more organic real estate. Now when no organic results are appearing above the fold, the CTR for organic or natural search listings are anticipated to decrease especially for those that are in the first two positions.
  • Now the paid searches fighting to come at the top will have to pay more to occupy the position. Now an integrated plan including SEO and PPC both is a must for businesses to reap maximum benefits. 
  • Local searches will also enjoy more importance specially for those having a brick-and-mortar business, because they will be the next after the paid results to grab the attention of the user.

In a nutshell, it has become all the more important for websites to rank in the first two organic positions to get the most clicks and visibility from natural search.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Effective Social Media Campaign Management for Better Business Promotions

Social media websites have evolved from being just a unique means of communication between people to a very powerful marketing tool for businesses today. These websites boast of millions of users and thus provide companies with the opportunity to promote to a wide audience.

Social media marketing is method of online advertising through which companies promote themselves on social networking sites. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube are some of the popular websites where these techniques are applied. Social marketing methods are different for different sites according to their interface and the kind of services they provide to people.

A number of major benefits of this type of marketing are-

  • It helps increase brand awareness 
  • Helps companies understand their audience more comprehensively and thus target more efficiently 
  • It assists in gaining more website visitors and effectively more customers 
  • Helps companies gain instant feedbacks from customers and respond in a timely manner 
  • It provides for more meaningful relationships with clients 
  • Provides a better competitive advantage 
  • Helps in online reputation management for the company
  • Is cost-effective

All these benefits of this type of marketing can only be attained if such campaigns are handled by qualified professionals. Social media campaign management requires a level of expertise and skill that only experienced and competent digital marketing experts possess. These specialists are aware of the latest trends and can launch the most effective marketing campaigns. Through constant monitoring and updates they provide fresh and engaging content to attract people towards a brand more effectively.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

SEO Ranking Factors for Ecommerce Websites

In today’s world where ecommerce is the latest boom, getting more traffic and sales to an ecommerce website is a must to thrive in the market. This can be achieved only by a systematic approach to do SEO for the ecommerce website. To achieve success from the plan, On-page SEO is a critical first step which can make or break any campaign.

In this article, I will talk specifically about the needs and requirements of ecmommerce entrepreneurs. This article will give you a basic understanding of on-site SEO tactics for these website. You can always implement these in house to get a great jump start and boost in your traffic, but if you want to focus on your niche then you can always take the help of SEO outsourcing services that are offered by many SEO agencies. You may find out and choose a reputable agency to get the ecommerce SEO services fulfilled. However, here are the major elements that you need to consider when optimizing a site.

Competitor Research

Competitor research is the first and foremost step to start the process. By studying your competitors thoroughly, you can learn many things that need to be done by you and also some of their secrets that can be found on their website itself.

Keywords are one of the major success factors and you need to focus on their keywords particularly the ones on their homepage as well as their top product pages that you definitely would need to analyze.

You can take the help of Moz browser extension to see the SEO title and description your competitors use in their title tags. SEMrush is another great tool to analyse your and your competitors’ keywords.

Homepage SEO

Homepage is typically the most important page of any website where most businesses focus their SEO efforts. But you need to realize the fact that though the homepage is definitely one of the top pages of your website to optimize, you need to focus on other important pages as well to get SEO success from your ecommerce website.

  • Homepage Title Tag (SEO Title Tag) – It is the most important element of on page SEO optimization for your website which should include your business name along with the main keyword phrase you are targeting.
  • Homepage Meta Description – Though many people do not see this as an important ranking factor, but in my view the meta description also holds an important place in optimizing an ecommerce site.
  • Homepage Content – The content has always been considered as one of the most important SEO factors and it is must for your homepage to have unique and useful text content for the users visiting your site. They learn more about your business and the products through the content of the page in a clear and concise way.

Site Architecture

Site architecture is another important SEO factor for any website dealing with ecommerceand needs you to have a distinct hierarchy of navigation, from your homepage to product categories to the products listed within them.

It is a thumb rule for on page optimization to make everything available to the visitors and the search engines within three clicks. So you need to follow the rule to succeed in the process.

Product Page Optimization

Product pages are the one of the most important pages of any e commerce website and thus need a lot of focus and SEO efforts.

The name of the product is very important in such kind of websites and thus it is always advisable to use the product names in the SEO title and URL of your product page.

Product description is also an important element in on-site optimization. Usually Google takes the description of the product as the meta description for the page. It also shows up when people share your product on Facebook and Pinterest.

Image Optimization

Images are also an important element of the product pages of e commerce sites. These not only help the buyers to make a decision but are also important for search optimization.

Ideally you should always properly name an image to optimize it. Don’t add images with filenames like IMG100.jpg to your product pages.


Videos not only help your customer get more confidence in your product and site but also stand out in search results.


Reviews are also a great help when boosting the confidence of the customers.

FAQ Content

FAQ may not be a direct SEO ranking factor but it can help you gain search engine credibility in many ways. It adds content pages to your website and at the same time help your customers in learning more about your products. This also increases the SEO credibility of your e commerce website.

Monday, March 28, 2016

Engaging, Unique and High Quality Content for Online Marketing

Content is one of the most important facets of online marketing. Whether for search engine optimization, social media marketing or any other method, high quality and engaging content is a must. Without such things a company cannot effectively market itself online.

Search engine optimization particularly is highly dependent on content. This is because Google, which is one of the top online search engines, has often stressed that unique and engaging write ups play a vital role in its ranking algorithms.

Some of the points to keep in mind when writing content for SEO are-

  • It should be high quality and unique- Plagiarism is considered a very unethical practice in online marketing. By copying from other write-ups, companies not only reduce their chances to gain good ranks but this can also harm their credibility. Quality does not only mean than write-ups should be error free but is also requires such informative materials to be fresh and engaging
  • Keyword usage- Keywords are essential in SEO and when writing material using these words, one should be mindful not to over use them as this could lead to dire effects on a company’s online reputation. Keyword density in any type of write ups should be limited as SEO guidelines state that over usage is unethical. So, content should always have a precise amount of keyword usage in a sensible and coherent way.
  • Quantity- This does not imply that one should post numerous write ups online, what it actually states is that company’ should always update fresh material online and add better things.

In view of these things it is clear that content writing is something that requires a certain amount of skill and expertise. Qualified professionals who write such material are aware of all online marketing guidelines and produce fresh and engaging content.

If you are in search of professional SEO content writers India and want to hire content writer of high proficiency, then a reliable company is Brandconn Digital. This company has qualified professionals working for it, who are well-versed with writing any type of materials. Whether it is articles, blogs, infographics, press releases or anything else with the web content writing services India of this company you can be assured to get the best results.

Friday, March 25, 2016

Outsource SEO to a Competent Company for Better Results

Search engine optimization is one of the most popular and effective tools of online marketing. This practice has helped companies gain numerous clients by ranking them high on online engine search results.

Search engine optimisation is a comprehensive set of methods that combine to give the desired outcomes. Through off page and on page optimisations online marketing professionals provide effective solutions.

Implementing search engine optimisation techniques takes time and expertise, and often outsourcing for such services proves to be the best option. Outsourcing SEO to a competent and reliable online marketing company has a number of benefits, some of which include-

  • Hire professional and competent people- Leading online marketing companies have highly trained and qualified professionals who hold the relevant knowledge and expertise about search engine optimisation and thus can provide some of the best results.
  • Outsourcing can help save companies time as rather than training new people, it can just hire SEO experts who are experienced and skilled.
  • Cost-effective- This is when we consider both the expenditure and results of Search engine optimisation, because even though a person does invest a sum of money in outsourcing but it leads to better ROI.
If you are an SME or a digital marketing agency, in search of a competent SEO outsourcing Company India, then Brandconn Digital is there for you.

This company provides some of the most reliable and effective services including SEO for small business and has highly qualified and innovative professionals working for it. Through diligent working, research and expertise Brandconn Digital delivers high performance, cost-effective and long lasting SEO solutions.