
Thursday, June 23, 2022

Traffic or Ranking – What Matters the Most for Websites

For a robust establishment of the brand on the Internet, a website is needed the most followed by business’s presence on the social media. Usually, the main focus should be there because more than half of the traffic as well s revenue comes from the website. To keep it higher in search engine rankings, it is mandatory for a company to avail SEO services India.

These services are offered in the best manner by the SEO professionals working with a top-rated SEO company in India. The top USP of the teams there is that they are updated with the knowledge of improving both traffic as well as ranking. Some excerpts related to the strategies used by them are discussed here in this write-up. 

What Is More Important Ranking Or Traffic?

If you are thinking that ranking is more important because only from a better rank on the Internet, you will be able to get noticed by the audiences and the result would emerge in the form of improved traffic. So this can be said without any doubt that ranking is important because it has some more benefits too like better ranking improves your businesses credibility and helps it get established as a brand. 

Yes, traffic is important too, but it is ranking that is given more priority, primarily and this has got several reasons. The main reason is that traffic could be of two types, relevant and non-relevant. Too much of non-relevant traffic will send red flag to the search engine and the algorithms will act to this by reducing the ranking. In this way, you will lose traffic and lose potential clients.

Therefore, the experts from the chosen SEO company India focus entirely on the ranking while offering SEO services India.

The benefits of focusing on ranking of the website in search engine result pages.

  • The ranking puts your website in the top positions 
  • Create maximum visibility of your website
  • The more is your ranking, more you get visibility, the more you get traffic
  • It increases business authenticity 
  • It creates a brand image 
  • It reduces marketing cost 
  • Gets your target audience to find your site

Saturday, June 18, 2022

Top SEO Strategies for 2022 And Beyond

You would be surprised to know that merely 1 percent of people on the Internet go beyond the first page and this defines the importance of staying on page one of the search results. Every business is trying really hard and for this, they are using every possible step and one of them is that they hire SEO expert India

Businesses are working really hard and they are not leaving any stone unturned and one of the best steps is that they outsource SEO services India. They use numerous highly updated strategies and some of them are discussed here in this write-up.

Update Your Google Analytics A Priority

The first thing to do in case, you are really serious about excelling on the Internet is that you should update all its algorithms and then, there are a few more things to take care of. 

Prepare For Mobile-First Indexing

It is important right in the beginning that you prepare your website keeping mobile-audience in mind. The reason is that more than 50 percent of the website traffic comes from the mobile and by not staying in the trend; you will miss all of this 50 percent traffic. Along with this, you will also have to make sure that Google bots can crawl on the website easily. The professionals further recommend that all the errors should be traced and fixed to make the website SEO friendly.

Keep Your Content The Same 

Better results in terms of mobile optimization would be achieved, if you take this step of keeping the content same on the desktop and mobile websites. The result of keeping lesser content on the mobile website with some reason is that the website would be penalized and reindexing of the website is also possible. 

Other Top Steps Recommended By The Experts In This Regards Are – 

Focus on Engagement and start prioritizing strong, engaging content

Optimize Your Website Speed to deliver fast and smooth website experiences

Optimize for Featured Snippets that will answer a question right there on the search page

Friday, June 10, 2022

Amazing Features Of Shopify That Allure Users

We have a lot about Shopify and who knows, we may be using them right now, but the fact is that we don’t know that much about this versatile platform. There is a sheer need of Shopify ecommerce development services, if you want to get an ecommerce website built on this platform because there is no chance that it can be done through DIY. Here in this blog post, we will go through some amazing features of Shopify and what businesses would get out of them.

What Is Shopify?

Shopify is basically an ecommerce platform that will help you build an online store that is known for delivering exceptional quality user-experience. This one is fairly simple to use and the fact is that this simplicity of use encourages people to create a website on their own. There is no need of any kind of technical knowledge for working on this platform and this is another reason why people get enticed towards using this Shopify platform. 

There are some other features as well like there are thousand of pre-built themes present in the Shopify library to use. The good thing that this platform has the option of customizing these themes, plugins, templates, etc. to match your requirements. 

Shopify...Is That Free

For practicing on the platform, it will give you a 14-days trial and there will be no credit card details required for the same. You will be surprised to know that it’s a subscription based business model and to get the best outcome from this platform, it is recommended to use the premium version. 

Which Technical Languages Can Help You Out?

Shopify has created its own template language that is basically written in RUBY and experts say that it can also be used long with HTML and CSS. This way, users can very easily render dynamic data comes from user-interface provided from an online store.

Friday, May 27, 2022

Understand HTTP to Speed up Your Website

A slow Internet connection is nothing short of a curse and adding to the woes is a slow loading website. Often people facing the situation of slow Internet connection give it the blame of making the website slow while forgetting the fact that there could be other reasons as well.

Irrespective of what the reasons are, the solution is very simple, given by the experts of web design company India. The solution is, "making fewer HTTP requests". For those who are unaware of this, we have come up with a post where we have discussed this in details, starting from what is HTTP.

Understanding Http

HTTP is the short form of HYPER TEXT TRANSFER PROTOCOL and it can be described as a pre-described order that transfers data and information across the network. You will be amazed to know if you are unaware of what HTTP is that the majority of the data on the Internet travels by using the HYPER TEXT TRANSFER PROTOCOL. According to Wordpress website design company India experts, there are two types of HTTP messages and the names are – requests and response. Let us get a brief overview of both of them, beginning with HTTP REQUESTS.

Http Requests

While using the Internet, your browser generates a request on every click on the website that you are browsing and that request is sent to the server of that website. According to web design company India experts, this click on a particular content means you are asking or requesting for more information regarding the content that you clicked. 

Http Response

Totally opposite to REQUESTS, RESPONSE is what you do when a user clicks on the content on your website and sends a request, asking for more info.

With this much of detail, you can assume HTTP as a universal language that includes requesting and responding.

The Impact Of Http Requests On Ux

Yes, this is a fact that HTTP and UX or user-experience are interconnected and you will agree once you go through the following facts.

  • The bounce rate jumps from 9% to 38%, if the load time increases from 2 to 5 seconds

  • The average HTTP request time is between 0.5 and 1-2 seconds

  • User-experience decreases exponentially with an increase in request time

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Importance of Off-Page SEO and Why It Is Important In Digital Marketing

When you care a lot about your website, your business, etc., the first thing you do is involving in marketing. This marketing is of different types and the most promising one is digital marketing. A very important part of digital marketing is SEO or search engine optimization and for this, the most important step is to hire SEO expert India

Two important parts of SEO are on-page and off-page SEO and here in this blog post, we will review the latter one, i.e. off-page SEO. 

What About Off Page Seo?

When you outsource SEO services India, you will find experts taking two different SEO routes and in this, off-page SEO is all about outside activities performed by SEO professionals to improve website ranking. This could include everything like link building, social media optimization, local SEO and other factors.

Does Off Page Seo Really Mean A Lot?

There is no doubt that on-page optimization is very fruitful, but it works effectively only because it is backed by off-page optimization. In other words, when you hire SEO experts India and they perform off-page SEO, they are mainly attempting to bring your website more popularity and make it recognizable as a real brand.

What Is The Purpose Of Off Page Seo Besides Popularity?

Apart from engaging in improving the ranking sand reputation of your website, off page SEO also does some magical things. For example right quality promotion will –

  • Enrich Your Backlink Profile
  • Increase Your Traffic
  • Domain Authority

However, for this, you need to keep in mind that the website should be relevant, trustworthy, clean and non-spammy. 

How To Get Links To Your Website?

There is no doubt that getting backlinks has been one of the toughest things for website owners. There are some easy methods that you can use and here are some of them. 

  • Broken Link Building
  • Track down competitor backlink profiles
  • Learn which specific or type of backlink brings the most value
  • Ask the owners of the linking websites to link to you as well
  • Guest Blogging
  • Directories and listings for local websites
  • Crowd links from blogs, forums and other sites
  • Embedded content
  • Get Links and Exposure from Press-Releases
  • Creating new content is the best way towards more backlinks
  • Squeeze Traffic From Your Social Media
  • Get Traffic By Starting An Email Marketing Campaign

Friday, May 13, 2022

Wordpress SEO and Role of Wordpress Website Developers

SEO has seen a huge transformation over the years and with very change, it has become more and more powerful and more and more influential. The level of effectiveness and importance can be determined by the fact that Wordpress website developer too create websites keeping WordPress SEO in mind. Yes, they want to ensure that each and every element that could help in SEO is integrated into the website. Moreover, they even try and forecast how SEO trends would evolve in the near future and based on this, create their website. Some of those trends have been discussed here in this blog post. 

On-Page Seo

  1. Install a WordPress SEO Plugin

  2. Optimize Your Title Tags

  3. Write Meta Descriptions to Increase Click-Through Rate

  4. Use Proper Heading Tags

  5. Pay Attention to Word Count

  6. Craft Key Pages to Build Your Credibility

The benefits related to using good quality plugins are mentioned here by the experts of WordPress design services agency.

  1. Write better content with page and keyword analysis

  2. Edit your Meta descriptions

  3. Automatically generate XML sitemaps

  4. Enable breadcrumbs

  5. Add social and schema mark-up

Then, there are other features as well as you will surely get a multitude of other optimization options as well. In this regards, mostly Wordpress website developers recommend Yoast that comes with features like – 

  • Over Five Million Installations

  • An Impressive Five-Star Rating

  • Free Download  From The Wordpress Repository

Once downloaded, you can use the following steps to install it on the WordPress dashboard.

  • Search For Yoast SEO, Under The Plugins Section Of Your Wordpress Dashboard

  • Select Add New, Search For Yoast SEO 

  • Install And Activate The Plugin By Clicking On The Install Now Button

  • It will be replaced with a Blue Activate Button and when Clicked, Will Enable Yoast’s Functionalities on Your Site

  • Once The Plugin Is Activated, You’ll See A New SEO Section In Your Sidebar

  • You Get Access To Yoast’s Settings To Optimize Your Site

Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Importance of Ecommerce Website Maintenance Services

People assume that a nicely built website and high-quality SEO services are sufficient to take an ecommerce website on the top of search results. This is a wrong perception and website owners have to actually also visualize how their website would perform 3 or 6 months down the line. Its performance at that time would be the biggest factor in terms of search engine ranking and one thing is for sure that in this much of time, the performance would decline for sure. The reason is the lack of timely maintenance, upgrades, updates, etc. that not many ecommerce business owners are aware of.

In this situation, experts recommend availing ecommerce website maintenance services from top-rated WooCommerce development experts. There is so much that goes in the process of maintenance and here in this blog post, we will have a look at some of them.


In one simple line, ecommerce website maintenance services mainly entail all the processes, procedures and steps that can make a website better in terms of performance. There is nothing very complicated to understand because your website is your first impression to those looking for your products and or services. Regular maintenance will keep this first impression of the highest quality and this will work by pulling in more and more customers and traffic as well.


  • Maintenance of Security Features on your Website
  • Maintenance For a Good User Experience on your Website
  • Maintain a Secure Backup of Your Website Data
  • Maintenance of Your Store’s Information 
Maintenance of ecommerce websites mainly involves updating the information present in the ecommerce store. This information could be anything related to the website, the business, products and services offered there and so on. In terms of products and services, WooCommerce development experts recommend updating your product information, price changes, product images, discounts, offers, etc. on a regular basis. Because of this, you ensure that the traffic and potential customers are only getting the products from the latest trends.

Friday, May 6, 2022

Digital Marketing Strategies and Why Do Brands Need Them?

Small businesses think that since they are not facing any major challenge in their niche, they don’t need digital marketing services. The same is the perception of a number of bigger establishments getting impressive revenue every year. The fact is that small or big, every establishment needs digital marketing services and bigger ones need more because challenge, competition are more for them. 

In such circumstances, the services of a digital marketing company in India can be extremely decisive because they will keep you immune amidst high competition and also, the reputation would also be totally safe. 


In some cases, the entire digital marketing strategy revolves around how and when you outsource SEO to India, but apart from this, digital marketing has several other very useful elements. All of them are very useful and if you disagree, please go through the mind-boggling statistics presented here. 

Google drives 94% of organic traffic and 96% of mobile search traffic

A video is shared 1200% more than text and links combined

Search engines drive 93% of all website traffic

The top 3 paid ad results capture 41% of the clicks on the search engine result page



There is no doubt that the digital marketing strategy created by the experts of digital marketing company in India will help business reach target customers in an easy way. At the same time, the marketing related expenses would be much lower as compared to the traditional form of marketing. 


The strategy when planned as per latest Google guidelines will enable a business to identify the right audience and reach them more effectively. 


The strategies used as a part of a digital marketing campaign allow businesses to track their activities, efforts and effectiveness and take measures accordingly. It enables them to identify gaps and alter their strategy, as required and moreover, business can personalize their offerings for individual customers.

Saturday, April 30, 2022

Sales Funnel and the Role of Digital Marketing

There is a dream of every business entering the online scenario and availing digital marketing services. The top goal is to enhance the sale and make audience enter the sales funnel. Fresh entrepreneurs who have just become the part of ecommerce are not too much aware of the jargons used by digital marketing professionals and one of them is "sales funnel".

This is the reason why after seeking services from a reputed digital marketing company India, you should immediately understand this phrase because it is going to live with you until you are there on the Internet, selling your products and services. Here in this blog post, we will get a simplified definition of marketing funnel and what does this involve. 


This marketing funnel, otherwise known as sales funnel is basically the process that involves several steps. These steps are helpful for the visitor on the website, as he/she makes up his/her mind to purchase a product or service from you. Experts offering SEO services India say that mainly there are 4 concentric sales funnels circles and they represent a visitor’s journey from being a visitor to a buyer. A simplified example of digital marketing influenced sales funnel is – 

  • Awareness – You Google “websites for therapists”
  • Interest – You sign up for my newsletter
  • Evaluation – I wow you with my free resources
  • Commitment – We have a Q&A call
  • Sale – We create a new website together


It has been observed that 80 percent the traffic coming to a website is not ready to take the further action of reaching out the business or become a client or customer. This is where the services of digital marketing company India as well as SEO services India, both come into play. Their goal is to convince people and somehow make more and more visitors enter the sales funnel. This is the main reason why the first stage of the funnel is really large so that they can rope in as many people as possible. This involves factors like newsletters, free eBooks, social media links, 15 minute Q&A calls, as they are all the part of the digital marketing strategy of a digital marketing company India.

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Why Ecommerce Website Maintenance Services Are So Crucial?

Maintenance of everything is necessary including the website, but the problem is that people are unaware of what maintenance is and what does it include. Experts say that website maintenance mainly refers to the activities performed by web developers in terms of checking the website for irregularities, issues, technical glitches and flaws. Then, there is another meaning of website maintenance and this mainly entails keeping the website up-to-date and relevant to the latest parameters of search engines.

These services become even more crucial for ecommerce websites because with ecommerce website maintenance services, the following benefits would be there to avail.


As a part of regular maintenance, the professionals will back-up your website and because of this, restoring it later in the event of any crisis would become very easy. This back-up is considered the most important by any website developer or business owner because they know how useful this back-up could be in combating website disrupting.


Experts from top-rated WooCommerce SEO company say that with advanced quality ecommerce website maintenance services, they will be able to keep the website fully secure. The reason is that they will can the website multiple times to find out any suspicious activity taking place. Red flag would be raised in case, something is traced and they will immediately take invasive actions to combat the situation. In terms of Wordpress ecommerce websites, they will ensure that all of the plugins & themes are regularly updated in order to keep your website secure. 


With regular updates and timely maintenance, your website will see an incredible advancement in terms of traffic coming in and this would translate into improved SEO ranking as well as increased revenue. With regular updates, you will be able to make search bots find your website faster than all others in the competition. The reason is that the website would be well maintained, fast, free from errors and contain the latest trending keywords.