
Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Why Planning SEO Is Crucial Before Designing Your Website?

Today ecommerce industry is ruling the economic growth and SEO helps to reach your potential audience. When you are starting up with designing your website or may be redesigning your website think about the search engine optimization, it better to hire SEO expert for the same. SEO friendly website performs much better than the regular website.

Check out why planning SEO is important:

  • Product: You need to understand if your team can provide you with search engine optimized content for your products and services, you need to plan your content before designing
  • Interaction: In order to stand out in competition you need to analyze what extra feature you can add to draw more customers and how to place the CTA on your website.
  • Marketing: Your website should easily anticipate your product or service and this should reflect on your website design, plan how you can use the information of your product.
  • Team: Your product team needs to works along with your web designing team infusing their skills along with product capacity, for implementing the SEO.
  • Work: If you implement SEO & CRO, chances are there to leverage your product, because SEO enhances the conversions too.

SEO and website designs are completely different aspects, but when we say SEO friendly website we mean the optimization of site maps, title tags, URL etc. So, before you plan to design or redesign your website consult the digital marketing agency India, they have years of experience in creating a SEO friendly website.

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

5 Amazing Benefits Of Having High CTR

CTR or click through rate is one of the most important factors in PPC marketing. Many brands hire Google Adwords management services from reputable agencies who have PPC specialist to improve their CTR and thus improving the rank of their ads. High CTR is crucial not only for PPC marketing but for other channels like social media marketing, email marketing well. Some of the benefits of having a high CTR in all marketing channels are:

  1. High conversion rate: Conversion rate is directly proportional to click through rate. If you double your click through rate then your conversion rate also increase by 50%. If someone clicks on your ads then there is a probability he will go forward and make a purchase.
  2. Better organic search position:     Every organic search position has a set CTR and if your ad is able to beat that CTR then you will end up at that search position, Thus, High CTR can get you a better search position.
  3. Lower cost of social ads: High CTR helps you get a better engagement rank on social media platforms such as Facebook and twitter. These platforms cost less for ads that have a good engagement score or rank.
  4. Help your email being seen: CTR is also crucial in email marketing. For high click through rate, you must exclude people who do not click on your emails. Focus on those customers only that regularly open your email and also click on the links provided.
  5. High ad impression share: High CTR helps in getting a good quality score on Google and other search engines as well. This high-quality score helps in getting the first rank in ad search and this is nothing but your ad impression share.

There are many agencies which provide good quality PPC services Noida and are renowned for increasing your CTR. Thus, if you are unable to improve your click through rate, then a helping hand from these agencies is recommended.

Monday, January 2, 2017

Check Out How You Can Avoid Content Cannibalization

Search engine optimization is now rapidly changing specially catering to white hat SEO and black hat SEO. Landing on search engines results page is more of a battlefield where certain unethical SEO practices were ruling but not anymore. SEO is the most preferred marketing channel for small businesses. The ethical SEO service companies help to over glide the unethical practices by implementing the best strategies.

Here are few tips to avoid content cannibalization:
  1. Internal link: Conduct an audit to find out duplicate links or tags which are more observed by Google and restructure it with relevance to your business & products/ service.
  2. Inappropriate keywords: Do not overuse keywords in the content instead use a natural keyword that fits wells making it natural in order to draw relevant traffic.
  3. Disparate titles & tags: Although optimization is required action but using the same keywords is not apt, so avoid this on non-targeted web pages.
  4. Mapping: Constructing the content map or creating the navigation on the blog often display invalid categorization, hence place it with relevance.
  5. Merging:  When you are displaying options for the same subject but using it as silos often affects, hence merge the whole in one page with caption and description.
Unless you have in-depth knowledge about content cannibalization you cannot avoid the scenario hence it affects your business goal that is a strict no in this competitive market; moreover, Google algorithms have changed tooIs. If you are looking for affordable small business SEO services, then you may hire a reputable SEO expert India who provide best services in budget friendly packages.

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

7 SEO Tips For Small Businesses To Boost Blog

It is observed that most of the internet surfers usually don’t extend their search beyond page 1 results. Relating to these situations every company strives to rank on the first result page, but of course, everybody can’t win, here small business SEO services can be of great help. As the blog/ content is the only medium where to get to communicate with your customers. Here are the tips to boost blogs online:
  1. Keyword: Research and put relevant keywords in the headline, meta-tags, meta description, URL, and body.
  2. Mobile friendly: Make sure the blog you use responsive design, as it makes your blog clearly visible on mobile also.
  3. Optimized images: Use keyword on images too, this will help your blog to get noticed.
  4. Inbound links: Create internal and industry related links in the blog for better client engagement.
  5. Social media sharing: Always post your blog and keeping sharing on social media platform to attract more customers.
  6. Updating: keep your blog up to date by editing the content, this will keep it fresh and help to climb the search engine rank.
Unprofessional services will not boost your blog on any search engine but if you hire dedicated SEO expert, you get to place yourself on the first page of results. You can’t expect your blog to climb up in one day, it may take some time to boost the search for that frequent optimization is required; none other than an SEO expert can make it happen.

Thursday, December 22, 2016

How To Evaluate SEO Content And Boost Your Sales

The Less known fact is that the practical implementation of the theory is a tough job when it comes to SEO, hence your ranking got affected. All you need to do is to implement the customer-centric strategies to get the best SEO ranking. If you want high rank then get professional SEO service India and now Check out how to evaluate SEO content and boost sales:

1.      Reading customer reaction:
·         Identify the customer's interest
·         Is the user at all interested in your content?
·         Was the content of any value and for ranks?

2.     Determine the intention of the customer before you develop the keyword profile: While building up keyword profile you need to understand the users’ interest, a user may interact then again there might not be any intention to buy what you are selling. Users often click the paid ads while search something of their interest. So analyze their search result carefully, so that you can provide them content as per their interest.

3.    Identify the intentions and rationalize the keyword accordingly: Now you will be able to put your knowledge into practice to increase the sales. You know the consumer behavior now simply map their visits and their time of purchase in regards to the content the user accepted.

Every evaluation activity won’t bring a major shift is traffic generation; there are way too many aspects to consider when it comes to SEO. To get the desired outcome hire SEO expert, as they know the complexity of the search engines, websites, and algorithms.

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Why Is Outsourcing SEO A Good Option?

One of the most widely used online marketing practices today is SEO, this is something that many will be aware of. Since this practice is used by almost every business today there is also a lot of competition involved which is why many choose to hire dedicated SEO experts to stay ahead of competition.

When looking to hire such SEO professional’s companies usually outsource SEO services to a digital marketing agency. This way they can hire the right professionals according to their needs be it on a hourly basis, part time or even full time basis. But when it comes to outsourcing many businesses’ still face the dilemma about whether or not it is a good option. Here are some benefits of outsourcing SEO that can help businesses decide-

  • It is cost-effective- This holds true only when you consider both the outcome and the investment. Though you invest in outsourcing first but at the end it is sure to garner great results if you hire the right agency for the job. On the other hand, the cost of training in house staff, hiring new employees can cost more and results are not as good.
  • Outsourcing to an agency means that everything about SEO is taken care of. This not only means on-page, off-page optimizations but also social media profile management and in some cases even content creation
  • The right skills and tools of the trade working for you- Organic optimizations are not something that can be leaned in a day; it requires skill and extensive knowledge to know how to perform it effectively. Online marketing agencies have the right tools, experience and expertise to carry out this job effectively.
  • Diligent monitoring, updating and reporting- You will get dedicated efforts and continuous monitoring to ensure that campaigns are in sync with the latest algorithm updates. Regular reports are also provided to keep you informed of the progress.

These are just few of the many benefits that outsourcing SEO includes.

Monday, December 12, 2016

SEO Strategy: What You Need To Research Before The Optimization

Search engine optimization is the prime component for almost every online business, as every company is struggling to rank on the search engines and get traffic. Although you may find many blogs on curating SEO or SEO strategies but best is to get professional help from Ecommerce SEO company without taking a risk with your brand.

  1. Audience: Understanding your audience intent is always the basic SEO strategy. From customers' country, culture, purchase history, requirements, segment it accordingly to streamline your target.
  2. Competitor: Look out for your competitors who are serving the market requirements, analyze their product quality, demand and which section of people are buying.
  3. Keywords: Depending on the collective data you can easily choose or bid your keywords, as you know how your audience purchasing behavior and their searching style what else do you require to address their needs.
  4. Content: Prepare or edit the previous contents according to the set of keywords your target use to find your competitors product. The content should be genuine and not so fussy about selling, the best is to write is creative manner using new idea

In this competitive environment, self-trying to fix your websites SEO loops can be fatal as you are taking a risk with your brand name. Try out the small business SEO company that are affordable and result driven. In this way, you get a professional guidance and also implement a proven SEO strategy for better traffic.

Friday, December 9, 2016

Tips To Use Amazon CPM Ads Effectively To Enhance Your Adsense Earnings

The website who use AdSense are constantly looking out for some alternatives and some of the popular alternatives to AdSense are the use of high-quality CPM network or installation of some other creative ad units. However, the brands which hire PPC expert India know that these alternatives are not very feasible. These experts implement Amazon CPM ads to increase the AdSense earnings in following ways:

  1. Use of additional ad units: With the help of Google AdSense you can add up to three AdSense ad units per page. Also, with Amazon CPM ads, you can add three more additional ad units on your page. Thus total ad units become five to six. You can easily use your creativity and include Amazon CPM ads to enhance the user experience.
  2. Target high CPM rate: Amazon allows you to define a target CPM rate. Once you define a target CPM rate, Amazon will help you achieve it by displaying only those ads which will ensure that you meet your CPM rate. Thus it is advised to set a high CPM rate which is more than your AdSense ad rate.
  3. Display related products to improve affiliated links: Amazon has a unique feature of generating “ordered items report” which helps in knowing new products in which the users are interested. Display affiliate links to these products on your website which will help you gain visitors and also high CPM.
  4. Add product affiliate links: If you feel that a user might be interested in some product after reading your content then you must include an Amazon affiliate link for that product somewhere in your content. This will help increase your CPM rate.
Amazon CPM ads are quite famous amongst companies which provide PPC services India as these ads help in achieving a high COM rate in comparatively less time.

Thursday, December 8, 2016

5 Tips To Choose Best E-Commerce Platform For SEO

According to a survey, around 44 % of every online sale starts with an online search. The data has been verified by many of the best companies which provide small business SEO. Some of the factors which help in determining a good e-commerce platform for SEO include:

  1. Availability of social sharing buttons: Social sharing buttons are recognizable buttons which allow the user to quickly share the information about a product on any of the social media websites. A good e-commerce should provide these buttons for better SEO.
  2. Owning an IP address: IT is always good to have an own IP address (location of your website online) rather than sharing it with another website. Sharing the IP address may result in decreased performance and reliability which can be fatal for any e-commerce.
  3. Independent page URLs: A good e-commerce website should provide an independent page URL for every product. It should not just generate page URLs combining the name of the product and its category.
  4. Providing own Domain name: A domain name is the unique name of your website online. It is one of the most important features while setting up an online store. Thus, a good e-commerce platform should provide and independent domain name to every business.
  5. Blogging platform: Apart from the website, the most important factor in effective SEO is the blog. A good e-commerce platform includes blogs as a standard feature on your website. Also, the blog should be listed under the same domain name as of your website.

There are other factors like Meta descriptions, headings tag etc. which can be helpful in determining a good e-commerce platform. However, if you are in doubt, you can also reach out to any of the top ecommerce SEO Company India for their advice.

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Top 6 SEO Tools To Get Best SEO Results

With Google updating its algorithm very often, having your website optimized can be a difficult task. However, this can be done with professional help and guidance. For this, most businesses look for affordable SEO services India.  The SEO tools which can help you to get best rank on search engine result page are:

  1. MOZ: This tool is ideal to get instant information on your website’s ranking, traffic, content, and social links. It has a set of tools that can sort and collate data on marketing at one go. Moz also brings out the missed conversations, website errors, and SEO opportunities.
  2. Screaming Frog: This tool helps in doing the quality audit, analysis, and crawl. The data is presented in an excel sheet which is easy to analyze. What makes Screaming Frog effective is it offers duplication alert.
  3. Copyscape: Plagiarism will affect the website drastically as it will reflect in Google ranking. Copyscape’s backlink analysis will prevent your data from Penguin penalty and help in backlink profiling and link building.
  4. Link Research Tools: This 93-SEO toolkit ensures real-time data accurately. Majestic SEO, Moz, SEM Rush, etc are a part of Link Research Tools.
  5. Ahrefs: The main purpose of Ahrefs is to check for backlinks and exploring the website. Domain comparison, SEO report, Backlinks Report and Site Explorer are some of the tools in Ahrefs.
  6. Buzz Sumo: This tool will help in identifying the most shared content which will enable you to write on the same topic to attract a wide range of audiences.

For dedicated SEO India experts, it is important to have one or more these tools. It is certain to improve your business.